Rhino Skin Sealant FAQs

How much more life will I get from my scaffold planks ?

With Rhino Skin Sealant protection we are realizing two to three times the useable life for scaffold plank. Sealed plank is resistant to water, chemicals, acids, decay, twisting, and splitting.

I understood that OSHA and ANSI would not allow planks to be painted.
OSAH Scaffolding Planks

The regulation states that the surface of the plank can not be covered so as not to be able to see knots, grain, and imperfections in the wood. They have no problems with our translucent non-skid coating.

The Rhino Skin is a gripping surface but what if I need more traction?

For environments requiring more traction Indian Mill has an aggregate compound to add to the sealant.

How is Rhino Skin Applied?

Rhino Skin is sprayed it the factory but can be rolled or brushed. One barrel covers one truck of scaffold plank.

What protection does Rhino Skin sealant give planks in desert dryness?

The coating totally covers the plank as a liquid wrap. The coating keeps the moisture inside stabilize not allowing a fast dry out of the plank. The quick drying of the plank causes twisting, cracking, warping, and cupping.

How can Rhino Skin save me money?

Plank usable life span can be extended twice and up to three times with this treatment. This equates to buying boards at and below ½ of cost. Not having to re-buy scaffold plank is a real money saver especially for rental yards, contractors, E & D companies, and high volume users.

Can Rhino Skin be applied to old scaffold plank?

Recommended procedure to preserve older planks:

  1. Visually inspect the scaffold plank to OSHA specifications checking for cracks, rot, saw cuts, acids or physical damage.
  2. Finish testing with Indian Mill Scaffold Plank Tester (SPT6) to verify OSHA compliance.
  3. Recommend pressure wash to clean surface of the wood.
  4. Dry the wood to desired level.(recommend air drying stacking sticks)
  5. Rhino Skin can be brushed, rolled, or sprayed.
  6. If applying aggregate for non-slip – do it immediately after coating. In warm climate sealant will dry in 2 minutes.

Add years to your plank life with RHINO SKIN SEALANT.

The very best in scaffold planking is now available sealed with Rhino Skin nonskid coating which offers protection against water and chemical damage. Also in low humidity the out drying of planks is greatly reduced slowing twisting, splitting, and cupping. When ordering PIN-LOK, PIN-LAM or SOLID SAWN scaffold plank ask for them to be coated with Rhino Skin Grip Seal.

Superior products using advanced technology INDIAN MILL