The Mechanics of Pin Locking
The mechanics of pin locking material together is very simple yet surprising in that a type of butcher block is formed which develops greater strength and also withstands tremendous shock loads by redirecting the load force in multiple directions along the grains of pinned woods. This process of load sharing adds accumulated strength from the multiple pieces of different woods which are pin-locked (screw locking pins) together every two feet. The whole plank acts like a series of two foot planks. If one of the structural components were broken or cracked the damage can’t travel further than 12 inches before it is again locked back to the whole plank. This explains why pinned planking can be damage by heavy loads and not have the catastrophic failure of other types of planks. This technology has always been used with the pinning together of multiple solid components to form PIN-LOK and now carried forward in the manufacturing of PIN-LAM Scaffold Plank.
Indian Mill has patented the process by which PIN-LOK and PIN-LAM are made. The components are loaded into the pinning machine, clamped together under pressure; to ensure a level, straight surface, a pilot hole is drilled across the center of all components, then a twisted locking pin is inserted under 2000 psi locking all components together. Indian Mill’s DI-65 planks uses the same method to pin lock the plank ends. Both the PIN-LOK and PIN-LAM planks consistently handle much heavier loads of weight and shock, but keep a consistent deflection for the safety and confidence level of the worker. Also the strength to weight ratio is so much greater when materials are pinned giving more loading strength for an equal or lighter physical weight of plank. The pinned products are in a class all to themselves providing a far greater safe working environment.
When building the PIN-LAM Plank we found the Laminate wood has far better strength and rigidity when used vertically in the beam and header orientation. The combination of vertical orientation of laminate woods pinned locked between solid pieces of scaffold grade wood develops the strength and holding power of Pin- Lam Planking. The Strength, rigidity and safety is multiplied tremendously when laminate is used vertically creating the safest wooden planks possible.
Pinned Planks are American Made and Green items because they can be developed from tree farm materials thus leaving the old growth trees untouched.
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Purdue University PIN-LOK Scaffold Plank Test